Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sorry for the disappearence!

I'm around--we have had a ton of new books come into the library so I've been playing with those.  It is the beginning of the semester and I have library aids, so I've been working with them.  AND I FINISHED READING THE BATTLE OF THE BOOKS BOOKS!!!  I am so excited to be done with that :)  So I can read some new books!  I am so glad I read all of these books--there were a few that I would never have picked up and I would have missed out on some great reading.  The biggest surpise: Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice.  I learned so much from this book about segregation and desegregation, the South during this period, how women were treated, and to be honest: laws in general.  It really was a pleasure to learn while reading this book.

Book club met after we read Roar by Emma Clayton and now we're going to read A Wrinkle In Time.  FYI, I have never read it and I'm pretty excited to. 

It's been a busy week but hopefully I'll be back later with more news. 

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